Mission Statement Building

It is crucial you have a mission

A common theme in practically all self-improvement books is you must have a mission!

How do you develop yours?

Start by asking yourself these 3 questions

1.) What words or traits matter to you

2.) What are some real or fictional people/characters that portray those words to you

3.) What priorities matter the most to you?

Use the answers to build your mission statement.

Maybe you want to be brave like Batman while also being an amazing loving dad like Goofy.

It is pretty interesting how this can help you describe your mission


Words & People/Characters

Good character - Tim Tebow

Loyal - Bull McCaffrey (Backdraft movie)

Honest & Enjoyable - Joe Rogan

Hard working - David Goggins

Reliable - My dad

Priorities that matter to me

Being a good person through my own lens

Being a great husband, father, and son

Being successful financially to have ownership over my own life

Use those answers to form your first mission statement

I want to have honesty and integrity like Tim Tebow. The loyalty of Bull McCaffrey, the “you go, we go” belief. I want to be someone who is known for being honest, intelligent, sovereign, and have others enjoy being around me like Joe Rogan. While having the work ethic of David Goggins mixed with the reliability of someone like my dad.

Then make it your own

Approach every day as if it were the last. Today, show honesty, integrity, and loyalty through words and actions not only to those around me but to myself as well. Today, make sure my family members know I love them no matter what and will always give them every second of attention I can. Today, accomplish something that puts me one step closer to having complete sovereignty over my own life. It is on ME. Time is always running out!